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Breastfeeding Milk Boost
Session + Recording
Find out what subconscious beliefs are blocking you from allowing your body to make the right amount of milk.
Fertility Freedom
Session + Recording
Clear any baby blocks you may not realize you have in your subconscious. This is designed to help women who have unexplained infertility and would like to figure out if there is something in the subconscious that is holding her back.
Postpartum TRAUMA Healing
Session + Recording
Let me take you into hypnosis and release any birth trauma or worries about your birth, your baby, breastfeeding difficulties, coping with drastic life change, sleep disruptions...
Calm, Easy Pregnancy
Recording Download
Babies learn from their environment and your womb is the first environment for your baby. When mama experiences stress or fear, this is transmitted to your baby via the stress hormones into your bloodstream.
It is natural for any mother to experience stress, especially during pregnancy. Use this recording to counter those strong emotions by listening throughout the day or during stressful moments to change your body chemistry back to tranquility, joy, and gratitude.
Postpartum BODY Healing
Recording Download
Let me take you into hypnosis and program your subconscious mind to heal your body from the 9 months of pregnancy changes to the expansion and contraction during birth.
Breastfeeding Basics
Recording Download
This is a recording you can listen to while you are pregnant for relaxation upon waking and before bed that will program healthy breastfeeding knowledge and habits into your subconscious mind so that when it is time for you to breastfeed your baby, you feel more ready and instinctive about the process.
These are perfect for programming your subconscious mind throughout the day.
You can get the audio recordings at discounted rates if you purchase more than one at a time.
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Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist him/her in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Hypno Mamas does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. The Hypno Mama Method does can not promise any results. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. Hypnotherapy and the Hypno Mama Method are for people without epilepsy. All participation is at your own risk. Thank you.